
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Happy Kok Kok Beh Year

Today is day-7 of CNY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to everybody!!!!

Anyway, is the month of February! Time flies...
Sorry for the lack of updates, no travel post for today. Just want to share out my life post once in a blue moon. *smurfie mood on*

I feel my life is contented for the past 1 month. I learned a lots by forcing myself pick up a topic and study every week. Shopping in KL just like what I used to do during Uni life. Visited monastery more frequent, etc etc.
IMG_20140117_125845The best ramen ever, Marutama Ramen@ Farenheit.
The 汤底 and egg are awesome!

How you spend your days during the CNY break?
I spent my days in monastery, stayed in monastery for 2 nights, then for sure take the meals with my beloved family, and yumcha with my bff.
IMG_20140130_230600Angpau angpau =)2014-02-02-00-44-32_decoThe only 扮靓靓 day in CNY IMG_20140201_170902Had a very short(only 20minutes) chat with them.
Best Friend Forever.
Say Hello to work on day 5 of CNY.
Selfie when no one around. =P

CNY will ends in 1 week time, I am flying to Hong Kong in 2 weeks time. 感觉光阴似箭,好像很快又老了,时间可以走慢一点?

I just back from attending Snake Bite& Envenomation Course in JB, departed early and reached home late. Super tiring... but again, I benefit a lots from this course it is the best course I attended so far. 
2014-02-06-20-17-27_decoTake a picture once I reach home to show how red I am.

Last but not least,IMG_92949539006670

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