
Mitty Says

Hi. My name is Meei Yin. Welcome to my blog and thanks for clicking "Mitty Says".

I used to blog about my personal life, share my university and outing activities, my travel logs etc; but then now I realize living in Segamat (a small town in Northern Johor) has no much entertainment to share with, lifestyle is too dull to share with, plus I am not a pretty girl that passionate in Fashion and Doll up myself. 
Therefore, I decided to change my blogging style. Focus more on composing my travel logs. 

I can go out with “leh feh” look and won’t feel bored if I 3 months no shopping, but I can’t live my life more than 3 months without travel. I love travel and I love to share my travel stories with you all. I am neither a full time backpacker nor traveler, currently I having a full time job and travel is my occasional event.

Why I use Mitty?
There is a movie named “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty”, well, I didn't watch it. Anyway, I know that story talked about daydreamer, and I love the “Mitty” word. Mitty sounds cheerful to me, and I love daydream. I daydream that I am backpacking alone at Indochina, daydream that I am flying to Turkey, daydream that I have holding Lobely Planet not Drug Info etc. I love daydream, and at the same time, I am working hard to make my dreams come true.

Hopefully my blog posts provide you information that beneficial in planning your trips. If you have any inquiries or request, never hesitate to drop me a comment or send an email to, I will try my best to answer your questions and fulfill your requirement(if any). 

And for sure I will work harder in writing better travel posts, thus:

"Never stop daydream, Never stop explore"

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