
We rent a 4 rooms bungalow with pool at A Farmosa resort…
Intro the place to u guys first~
the top will be the pictures of d internal of bungalow…the 4 rooms have 2 queen size bed each…so is enuff space for us to have nice sweet dream~~
the bottom will be the pictures of the yard….
Then we did some preparation(well is actually lotsa preparationSSS) for the night meal~~
the yummy yummy BBQ and steamboot~~
When everyone was busy, the 2 monkeys were playing with knives…(Kids, dun play knife ya!!!!)
and some are playing black white chess….
During the makan makan session~~
From the pictures, we can see that everyone was so happy…
Dun ask where is eunice n her buddy line..they were actually busy BBQ at the yard…
Thanks to their hardwork~~
Then, during tat happening night,
we also celebrated our beloved monkey pang’s birthday~~~
Then the birthday gal was being thrown into the pool…
her buddy line joined her next…
1 by 1 then was kena buang into d pool to acc pang pang~~
We did not end our night with the swimming session…
But then, after we took our bath, most of us play the Killer Game until 4am~
den 1 by 1 crawl onto the bed unreluctantly~~
Then, tat is d end of our trip to melaka n a famosa…
Is a nice n enjoyable trip tat i experienced with awesome friends I met in my 4 years study in UM Pharmacy….
I will miss the trip very much n the laughters we shared…
Looking forward for our next trip…
Well, is my final year trip v pharmacy friends~~
Last weeked, before we start the raya break…
my beloved gang—>kung fu panda gang and our beloved buddy lines had make an awesome outing to Melaka town…
Accurately is A Famosa Resort…
Lazy to tell the story with words…so let the pics tell the story~~
Before that I would like to intro the Kung Fu panda gang~
*KungFu panda*
*From top to bottom: Alex, Sheena, PeiYi, MJ, Eunice and me* *the below pic is my buddy line*
*as usual, gals like to SS when guy r busy driving*
Our first stop of the journey is have our very yummy dimsum breakfast at Seremban…
Thanks to the host, Lai Hui and Xin Li…
The dimsum was so so so yummy!!!
After filled our stomach will yummy dimsum, we continue our journey to Jonker Street….
I love the cendol….n tatday my stomach was full until the chicken rice cant enter my GI…haha~
Cendol time~~from the pictures, we can obviously see that everyone was enjoying their cendols even though there was no seats for them~
Then, we went for a walk at Jonker, suddenly we found a nice place to take pictures in the street…
Picture, pictures and pictures…
Everyone was so happy under the big hot sun~
*try to act like the bollywood actress*
We discovered something nice to drink…
is sparkling juice…taste good which makes most of us purchased them…
sunmore d bottles r so so nice~~
We went into shops n shopping~
OOOoooopss…accurately is take pictures~~
Then we went to the Red House area to snap pics…
again, tans of pictures taken by us~~
Pictures: individual buddy line pictures….sorry as i cant found any Peiyi’s buddy line pic~
the kungfu panda buddy line, the kungfu panda and we met UM bus there~~~
*We were so happy to play with the bubble*
Then, we went to the last stop b4 we leave jonker street,
we go makan chicken rice ball…yummy yummy~~
Then, we move to A Famosa bungalow~~
To be continued……